PRAYER IN PREPARATION: Gracious and loving God, we come seeking your presence in worship. Through our songs of praise we seek you; by our words of prayer we reach out to you. Grant that we may hear your voice and not merely echoes of our own. Fill us with your Spirit; bless us by your grace; surround us with your love, now and always. Amen
In the name of God,
wondrous, mysterious, marvelous.
In the name of Jesus,
among us, beyond us, with us.
In the name of the Spirit,
strange, startling, shaking:
We are called to worship.
We come to lift our hearts and minds, to open our lips and our lives,
to celebrate our God.
God calls us to God’s way in our time.
O God, from whom all blessings flow: Lead us by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit to think those things which are right, and enable us by the power of your love to do them.
We confess the ease with which we hurt one another; the ease with which we turn our backs on the hurts of the world. We confess that so often we seek our own security over the common good. Enable us to feel and know true sisterly/brotherly care within your family. Encourage us to be the community of your people, the Body of Christ in the world. Amen
For Susan Hayes sermon, click here.
For Susan Hayes sermon, click here.
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