Sunday, July 3, 2016

Worship Prayers for June 26

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  Gracious God, we give thanks for your church, and give thanks for the body of Christ you have called together here.  You have called us to be a special people, entrusted to preach the gospel and share ourselves with each other and our community.  May your Spirit, all around us and acting through us, lead us to freedom as we soar to new heights.  Give us courage and strength, teach us to lose ourselves in you and become eternally one in peace.  Amen.
We look in the mirror and what do we see?
         We see people who strive to be faithful, even as questions and struggles challenge us.
We look in the mirror and how do we see?
         We see with hearts that are open to God’s love, with lives which seek to trust
                     when all evidence tells us not to be so foolish.
We look in the mirror and who do we see?
         We see the God of grace who leads us into life’s challenges.
Gracious God, who calls us always into the unknown, refresh us with your mercy.  When we hesitate to speak of your hope, forgive us and give us voice.  When we find it difficult to love one another, forgive us and give us new compassion.  When we want to stand with the high and mighty, forgive us and put us next to the poor and the oppressed.  When we hide behind our fears and doubts, forgive us and send us out to share your grace.  When we cannot believe your Word of new life, forgive us and fill us with your joy.

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