- Tech Help!
Does having a Smart Phone make you feel less than smart?
Is that tablet you have terrifying? Look no further than our own youth!
Mark your calendars for November 13 at 9:30 a.m. PLEASE Sign up in the Narthex with your “technical difficulty” and the students will help you trouble shoot! Can’t make that day? Look for additional Tech Help Days in the future!
- Senior High Mound Ridge Retreat October 14-16
The Senior Highs are invited to take a closer look at the story of Zacchaeus in the Gospel of Luke in the middle of our wonderful Mound Ridge Camp.
Cost is $95, which covers all the meals and lodging for two nights. REGISTRATION DUE OCTOBER 1.
As always, scholarships are available, and if you have additional questions, contact Katie Sternhagen.
- All Youth Lock-In November 11
Join us as we continue our Super Hero theme.
Who are the Heroes of the Bible and just how similar are we to them?
7p.m-7a.m. Cost is $10 per person. We will also be continuing our Mission Project for Capes4Kids! Grades 6-12 Welcome! Students are welcome to bring a friend!
REGISTRATION DUE NOVEMBER 1! Contact Katie Sternhagen for additional information! (636) 394-2233 ext. 114