Friday, September 23, 2016


St. Mark Presbyterian Youth's programmatic theme this year is Superheroes.We will be making capes as an ongoing mission project that the students will be working on periodically throughout the year. Yesterday we measured and cut over 20 capes, using a template from the organization Capes4Kids. Capes4kids was started by a Methodist Church plant in Dallas called Union Coffee.

Throughout the year, we will be looking at who are the “superheroes” of the Bible? What attributes do they have? How many of the same attributes do we have? How has God equipped us to be superheroes? How can we be superheroes in our own communities? We will look at people like Abraham, Jacob, Ruth, Jonah, Paul, Silas, Zacchaeus.

The capes will be donated to Children’s Hospital and Cardinal Glennon to distribute as they see fit.

We would gladly take donations of material, thread, Velcro, or cash to help support our mission.  If anyone feels called to use their gifts of sewing, that would be awesome too!  Contact Katie if you can help (636) 394-2233 ext. 114

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