Sunday, September 25, 2016

Worship Prayers for September 18

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  O Holy God, who spoke to Moses from the burning bush, speak to us now in song and prayer, and in the reading and proclaiming of your word.  Move in our lives, change our minds, soften our hearts, direct our feet, that we may follow you more faithfully.  Amen.

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                                                                          
Behold, we stand on holy ground.
         O give thanks to the Lord.
The strength and power of God's love meets us here in this time and place.
         We sing praises to God and tell of God's wonderful deeds.
Let the hearts of those who seek God rejoice.
         Let us praise God's holy name, and seek God's face always.

   PRAYER OF CONFESSION                                                                                                                             
Living God, you call us to lives that are different, lives that make a difference.  Yet we have difficulty realizing your call, preferring the safety of obscurity.  Your love for us can never be doubted, but our family and friends are often  unsure of our affection.  Your justice burns within us, but our frozen hearts cannot feel its touch.  Your word calls us to lives of denial and service, but we cannot keep from looking out for ourselves.  O God, forgive us.  Quicken our spirits:  to hear your call to trust; to hear your challenge of service; to hear your invitation to faithfulness.  Strengthen us for the journey as we follow Jesus Christ toward faith, hope, and love.


SCRIPTURE READING                                                                                                 Exodus 3:1-15, p. 50

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