On Palm/Passion Sunday, April 9, we will celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Each year at St. Mark Presbyterian in Ballwin, we commemorate this remarkable event with the Jerusalem Festival in Gleason Hall, which is kicked off by the Children’s Palm Parade. In worship, we will reflect on the highs and lows of that week, with a special reading of the Passion Story.
There are some new additions to our observance of Holy Week this year at St. Mark. We will be doing something different on Maundy Thursday. For the first time in 10 years, we will not be presenting the Living Last Supper. Donna Schiro, who has worked so hard to produce the Living Last Supper in years past, was not available to do so this year due to changes in her life. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Donna for her many years of dedication bringing the Last Supper to life for us.
This year on Maundy Thursday, April 13, we will be having a Tenebrae Service at 7:30 pm. Tenebrae is Latin for “shadows” or “darkness.” We will be reading the story of the Last Supper and Jesus’ betrayal, as candles are extinguished and the lights are dimmed. The service ends in darkness. This year several people in our congregation have agreed to provide personal reflections on the meaning of this dramatic story, and how it has informed their own faith journey. This holy experience is not to be missed. The service will also include the ritual of foot washing for our Confirmation Class and powerful music from the chancel choir.
On Good Friday, April 14, St. Mark will be hosting a Community Good Friday Service at 3:00 pm. We are joining with St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Ellisville, St. Thomas UCC in Chesterfield, UKirk Campus Ministry in St. Louis, and Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church in Wildwood, in a service of the Seven Last Words of Christ. Preachers from each of these congregations, including Pastor Susan and me, will be offering reflections on the final words Jesus spoke from the cross according to the gospels. This is a poignant service, and a great opportunity to welcome our sisters and brothers from our community to share in worship.
On Saturday, April 15, the Confirmation Class will be hosting an Easter Vigil at 5:00 pm in Gleason Hall. They will recount the story of salvation history through reflection and song, as we await the dawn of Easter.
All of this culminates in the joyous celebration of the Resurrection on Easter morning April 16. We will sing and proclaim the new life promised in Easter with brass, choirs, and preaching. There are two services: 8:30 am and 10:30 am.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Jim
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