Sunday, March 5, 2017

Worship Prayers Feb. 26

PRAYER IN PREPARTION:  O God, make us attentive to your Word as to a lamp shining in a dark place.  Give us the gift of faith, that we may hear your voice for ourselves.  Give us the gift of truth, that we may see Jesus Christ revealed to us and may live faithful lives.  Amen.

How great and awesome is our God, let us gather to worship God's holy  name.
         We gather to sing and to pray, to be attentive to God's presence.
We will listen for God's voice, and watch for the signs through which God speaks.
         The splendor of God's glory is real, we are transformed in its glow.

Glorious God, you surround us with the brilliant light of your shining love.  Yet we allow our self-centered concerns to block our vision.  We allow the din of the world to harden our hearts to your word.  We raise the wrong questions, then we do not wait for your answers, or resist them when they come.  We miss the awe and mystery because we are leery of a transcendent vision.  Forgive us, O God, strengthen us to walk in your brightness and live in your ways.  Enlighten the shadows that keep us from growing in your love and light.  Shower us with your glory, that we might shine as your people.

SCRIPTURE READING                                                                                                      Matthew 17:1-9, p. 18

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