Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Statement of Faith by Confirmand, Part 9

 Faith Statement
I believe in God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that is in every single one of us. God has the eternal power and makes the good in all of us. For in the Bible, it tells the stories of Jesus Christ and his good doings. The Bible teaches me how to follow and worship Jesus Christ, my father.

In the church’s name, it is a place to worship and gather to pray under God. Church is like a family to me, praying and helping everyone and everything in this world. I believe that worshiping not only in church but every day is the best way to connect with God.

I believe that God created everyone equal and that wrong doings and sins should be a forgiven. God teaches me that a sin does not define who you are but it teaches you right from wrong. I believe that in this life, following Jesus Christ helps others to connect with each other and come together.
To me, hope means trusting, looking for and desiring Jesus Christ in your life. Jesus has helped me to get through difficult times like when my dad was diagnosed with a rare disease. I have hope in Jesus Christ that he will help me worship him.

I believe in resurrection of the body and the Church. I believe that after death I will be able to sit with Jesus Christ and be able to worship with him.

Elizabeth P.

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