Wednesday, August 15, 2018

New Books in Library

New additions to the Adult Library include:

Half Truths: God helps those who help themselves and other things the Bible doesn’t say by Adam Hamilton examines some half truths people often believe that sometimes when repeated can hurt people. These half truths can lead people to conclusions about God that are not only untrue, but may push some people away from God.

What am I supposed to do with my life? Asking the right questions by Douglas J. Brouwer offers a personal, spiritual response to the vocational questions people often ask. This book will encourage many to reflect on their lives and vocations.

Angry people…and what we can learn from them by Warren W. Wiersbe uncovers some surprising insights about anger and points out biblical principles that will help you control and display anger in a way that protects, builds up and brings glory to God. The anger of Moses, David, Elisha, Jesus, and Jonah are discussed.

These books can be found on the cart in the Narthex.


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