Monday, September 17, 2018

Mission Money: Receiving and Giving

Mission Committee
Monetary donations that are given to our core mission partners are sourced from Session allocated funds, designated donations from St. Mark members, along with the majority of funds being generated through fundraisers such as The ABC Sale, Christmas Alternatives, Christmas Tea for Lydia's House, Circle of Concern Golf Tournament, PW Christmas Boutique.

This financial support is in addition to ongoing hands-on volunteer activities and in-kind gifts collected during back to school drives, Thanksgiving food drive, Children's/Youth Ministries Christmas gift drives for designated mission partners, and ongoing food pantry donations to name a few. A list of our core local and international mission partners are listed below. To ensure that we are good stewards of the resources we share with our mission partners, there is a direct connection between St. Mark and each of our core mission partners.

Local Mission Partners: BBJ, Lydia’s House, Circle of Concern. Mound Ridge, Isaiah 58, Peace Meal, Lafayette Industries, Presbyterian Children Homes & Services, U-Kirk

International Mission Partners: Marion Medical Mission, PCUSA Mission Co-Workers, Medical Benevolence Foundation, Haiti-Mark Hare, Partners for Just Trade, Peru-Jed Koball, PCUSA Nicaragua PG2 Scholarship Fund

If you have any questions or suggestions about St. Mark Mission activities-or-want to get involved, please contact C. Polak, C. Hutchens or J. Blackwell, Committee Co-Chairs or call the church office 636-394-2233

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