Sunday, September 9, 2018

Worship for Sept. 2

CENTERING PRAYER  “Day by day we are given not what we want but what we need. Sometimes it is feast and sometimes…swept crumbs, but by faith we believe it is enough.” – Barbara Brown Taylor

Summer wanes and the autumn draws close.
        Lord, help us to be ready for opportunities of service.
We have felt the refreshment of time-away.
        Lord, give us spirits of joy for the times ahead.
Come, let us celebrate God’s eternal presence and love.
        Let us open our spirits to receive God’s direction for our lives.  AMEN.

Loving, righteous God, our hearts are defiled with the wickedness you hate.  You call us to yourself, but we continually go our own way.  We forget your living Word and cling to dead traditions.  We deceive ourselves and abandon your commandments.  As hypocrites, we honor you with our lips while our hearts are far from you.  Cleanse our hearts from evil intentions; cleanse our tongues from evil words so our worship may be pure and undefiled, and we may live with you in love for others.  (Silent Confession)

SCRIPTURE READING                                                          James 1:17-27

   SERMON                                                 “In One Ear”
Rev. Dr. Dave Burgess

† AFFIRMATION OF FAITH –  Westminster Confession of Faith Shorter Catechism Question One
        What is our chief end?
        Our chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy God forever.

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