Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Office Management

Brian Hostetler
St. Mark is upgrading our Church Relationship Management (CRM) software to a cloud based solution. Our old Church Management software is no longer supported and must be replaced. With the new software, each member will be able to create a logon to the St. Mark CRM. With this logon you can …….

Change your address, email and telephone numbers
Get a current snapshot of your giving to St. Mark
Make a payment towards your pledge or a special gift
Receive emails, text or voice calls if St. Mark is closed for inclement weather

And much more

There are many more features of the new CRM that benefit small groups, committees and St. Mark. Watch for more information as we implement the new solution.

The session also approved a request from Personnel to hire church member Brian Hostetler as temporary Office/Facilities Manager. Brian will work on a month-to month contract until a permanent manager is hired. The Session extends its deep appreciation to Brian for stepping up to fill a critical staff vacancy.

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