CENTERING PRAYER (J. Birch, Worship Resources)

You call us to be servants, you who came to serve.
You call us to share the load, you who carried our sin.
You call us to speak your word, you who lived it daily.
You call us to be followers, and in your strength, we will.
How precious is the steadfast love of God.
All people may take refuge in the shadow of God’s embrace.
Christ is the fountain of life.
In Christ we behold the Light of God.
Come. Let us worship our Lord together.
Almighty God, we confess we are led astray by the idols of our world. We depend on our possessions and do trust in your grace. We carelessly consume the gifts you offer and fail to be faithful stewards of the earth’s resources.We seek security in the might of the sword rather than the strength of your Holy Spirit. Forgive us, we pray.Lead us to true repentance that we may serve you faithfully. Through Christ we continue to pray. (Silent Confession)
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