Monday, September 9, 2019

Discover St. Mark Sunday

Pastor Dave Burgess

Various groups and committees had tables in the Narthex this past Sunday to publicize, recruit and answer questions about what we do.  Despite the very rainy morning, the turn-out and participation was great. Below is our writing group---we write, share and are inspired and encouraged by others in the group.

 Communications Committee is responsible for web site, blog, twitter, Facebook, newsletter and bulletin editing.  Next, is Loren with the Personnel Committee and Nina with Fellowship.

 Judy and Marty represent the gardeners who tend the beds, pots and courtyard.  This is followed by Chris who represented two tables:  Mission and Music.

 Adult Education, Presbyterian Women and Businesspersons Between Jobs, and the Prayer Circle.

 The Technology Committee manages our sound system, videos and wireless. Stephen Ministry with Robyn gives those who are ill,  knit shawls to wrap themselves in prayer and warmth as well as a listening ear to those who need one.  The Peace Meal group goes to the city monthly to help feed the homeless.

 The Go-getters meet monthly for lunch and fellowship--taking our van to help with our elderly who can't drive much. Our librarian, Diana, manages an adult and a children's library.  Then, we also have a preschool and a scout group.

Finally, we have Children's Ministry which deserves three photos for all they do.  Thank you to all who participated and prepared for another successful Discover Sunday.

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