energy to guarantee that others might feel our love throughout 2020. By gathering up what you could give to the sale, helping to sort and price during the week leading up to the two big days, and being ambassadors to the many, many guests who came through our church, you showed that St. Mark cares about those outside our congregation who might need us in our area.
A "thank you" is not enough, but please realize how grateful we are for all of you. In the past, we sometimes listed everyone who helped in some way. We have discovered that somehow someone gets left off, so we will simply send out to you a 'virtual hug' because you know who you are. You are the best! Listed below are the mission partners who have received funds from our Board of Deacons in 2019.
We will look at how best to divide the $12,700+ that resulted from our recent sale: BBJ, UKirk, Isaiah 58, Lafayette Industries, Presbyterian Children Homes & Services ,Lydia’s House, Mound Ridge, Peace Meal, Stephen Ministries
In addition, these groups received goods from the sale: Funds to Organizations (shoes for breast cancer research), Remains (recycles additional unsold goods), Assistance League of St. Louis, Federal Probation Officers, The Salvation Army, Isaiah 58.
In Christian gratitude, ABC Sale Chairs
See photos below for the wonderful treasures we received.

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