Thursday, January 28, 2021

St Mark Presbyterian Church 2020 Moderator’s Report

 “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I sill uphold you with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10, NRSV.) 

I don’t often quote Jerry Garcia, but as I reflect on this past year, I cannot help but think, “What a long, strange trip it’s been.” None of us could have anticipated the events of 2020 when we gathered in-person for our last St. Mark Annual Meeting 12 months ago. The pandemic took so much from all us. Due to health concerns, we closed down our sanctuary for worship and our facility for meetings. I miss singing along with the choir, passing the peace with handshakes and hugs, looking into your eyes during the assurance of grace, and sharing the bread and the cup during Holy Communion. The time apart has been too long, but, with God’s help, we adjusted to share the Good News in uncertain times. 

It’s been said, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” and we’ve certainly had our fair share of new initiatives this year. I am thankful for everyone’s help, but I would like to thank our Technology Committee especially. St. Mark provided nearly 50 online services in 2021 along with five drive-in/in-person outdoor worship opportunities. Every one of these required several hours of work, and I know we are all deeply grateful. In addition to worship, we also expanded other spiritually enriching offerings online. Pastor MP and I combined to present approximately 125 St. Mark Spark mid-week devotionals. We expanded our adult education with our “Healing the Broken Heart of America” class and the “Psalms, Hymns, and Singing in the Reign” Sunday school class. I prefer meeting in person, but our high-quality online offerings allow us to reach many across our neighborhood, our country, and our world. I also appreciate the unseen work of so many who made weekly phone calls to check in on all of our members and friends. COVID took so much away, but it also presented us with new ways to be the church to one another.

 I look forward to the time when we can gather again in-person for worship, education, and mission. The Session is working on a plan for this, and I assure you we will return when it is safe to do so. Scripture reminds us again and again not to fear. The Lord is with us, and nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ. It’s been a long, strange trip, but God is good, all the time! 

In Hope and Confidence, 

Pastor Dave 

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