Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Something to Ponder this Lent

 "Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength. . ." Psalm 8:2

"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 18:3

I'm sitting at my computer wondering what to write this year for our Lenten Devotional Booklet.

Rubbing my chin and pondering the mysteries of life, my eyes gaze upon pictures of my five "perfect" grandchildren.  Together they total less than ten years of life but already they have mastered attitudes that have eluded me for over fifty years.  They enter into life around them engaging it fully.  Laughing or crying, squealing or singing, jumping or dancing-whatever the moment calls for they seem to reach out and touch life, extracting all the emotions from the air around them, while I sit back waiting to react to life's next moment with a calm and measured response.

They see opportunities everywhere; I see problems.  They climb the stairs with the excitement of adventure in their eyes; I see danger ahead.  I want to stack the blocks high and neatly;' they want to flail their arms causing the tower to come crashing down spreading chaos and mayhem all around.  They love to try new things, learn new words, and try them out.  They find laughter in mistakes---I've forgotten how funny a blunder can be!

Learning new things is their quest.  Over and over they attempt the impossible until it is mastered.  "Why?" and "How come?" are their favorite words.  I want to learn too, but it's in one easy lesson or forget it. If only I could think of something to share this Lenten season that might help us for Easter's new life and new beginnings!

A brief prayer:  Dear God, help us all grow up and become like children. Amen

Re-printed from 2006 Lenten Devotion, R. Bruce Meyer (Interim Pastor)

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