Holy God, you set before us every day a bounty of good things. Bring us to your feasting table, hungry for your Word, eager to rebuild the cities you made, and ready to receive strangers. May we celebrate at all times and in all places the peace which is life in you. Amen.
You are called to the banquet.
This is the feast.
You are summoned to the wedding.
This is the feast of life and light.
From the streets and the byways, God invites us.
We come to the banquet that has no end.
Alleluia! Amen!
You invite us to your feast, O God, but we do not come. You beg us to give thanks for this life, but we fail in our thanksgiving. You give us this wonderful earth, but we neglect the gift. Forgive us for what we do and for abandoning the pathway you desire for us. Be our guide and conscience, and turn our feet and hands to your will, that all we do might give you glory. (Silent Confession)
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH – The Apostles’ Creed
Invitation to the Offering
God gives you a great banquet. Let your thanksgiving overflow with joyous giving for the sake of others.
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