Monday, February 25, 2013


Bible verse:  Matthew 22: 34-39

For at least six or seven years, maybe more, we silently festered and groused about our neighbors.  Their kids were somewhat rowdy, cracking our new siding with golf balls, and keeping us up late with noisy trampoline parties.  Their old bear of a dog barked incessantly whenever he was left alone in the yard.  We really didn't see the point in getting to know them.  We secretly hoped for the day that moving vans would arrive!

Last year, Anna - their little girl - showed up on our doorstep, selling gift-wrap for a school fund-raiser. She was adorable our hearts started to soften.  Maybe they weren't so bad, after all...We made sure to have a special treat for her at Halloween.

Then came September 11, 2001.  Suddenly all the things that seemed so terribly annoying about our neighbors became terribly trivial.  The Sunday after the attacks, while out doing yard work, we noticed our neighbor across the way.  The time had come to put aside petty irritations and make a connection.  We walked over and asked about their new pup.  Our neighbor said the old dog had finally died, and this one would be an "inside" dog.  As the conversation progressed, we realized how good it felt to reconcile, to put love ahead of anger and to obey Jesus' commandment "to love your neighbor as yourself."  Just wish we had done it sooner!

Thank You that each new day presents a new opportunity to make amends, to right wrongs, and to reconnect - with our neighbors and with You.  Amen

Submitted for the 2002 St. Mark Presbyterian Lenten Devotional by Jerie Messer Lukefahr

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