Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Becoming a Holy People

Our Presbyterian Women's Bible Study this year is An Abiding Hope.  Last month's lesson was on 
"Becoming a Holy People".

The "key idea" was "In the covenant relationship, God offers us abundant blessings.  We honor this covenant through the choices we make each day."  The study concluded with a story about a Jewish gentleman who was questioned about his kosher eating habits. "I am free to eat anything.  I choose to eat only that which declares my loyalty to God."

We discussed what we do or have which declares our loyalty to God.   One person suggested wearing a cross is a daily reminder.  Another said she listens to Chuck Swindoll on the radio each morning on her way to work which is a great way to start her day.

Several responded that reading  a daily devotional like the Upper Room, prepares them for the day.  My mother and sister used to read the Upper Room together at the same time each morning in Dallas and St. Louis.  They didn't Skype and didn't use the phone.  It was just something they did in their own homes across the miles which brought them closer to each other and to God.

 I have a towel that hangs in my laundry room which I see every day as I go in and out the door to remind me that I am God's servant.  This was given to me many years ago when I became an elder at St. Mark as a reminder to serve.  Although I am no longer on session, it was a covenant that I still take seriously.

My daughter has another idea that I love.  She takes a photo on Instagram of three things each day that she is thankful for. #ldwthankful2014.  With that hashtag (#), she can see all of the photos she has posted for the entire year. Read her explanation---Click here.  By the end of the year, she will have 1000 things she is thankful for.

What do you do every day or during Lent to remind you of your covenant with God?

Holy God, we thank you for the amazing grace that makes us treasured in your eyes.  Help us to continue to grow into the people you would have us be---a covenant community dedicated to you and you alone.  Kindle such love in our hearts that all our choices may declare our devotion to you, especially as we reach out to those around us who have come to our area out of necessity and perhaps unwillingly.  May they discover your love and care through all who seek to help them.  In Christ's name, Amen.

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