Monday, March 3, 2014

Worship Weekend March 1-2

Due to Winter weather, most of us missed Susan's sermon on "Bad Girls Club".  Her sermon was based on Luke 7:36-50 and John 4:7-29:  two unnamed women and their thoughts when encountering Jesus.  If the above video doesn't play, Click here. Susan ended worship by playing this video, a tribute to courageous women in 2013.

Call to Worship:  All who are thirsty, this is the place for water.  All who are hungry, this is the place to be fed.  Why spend your earnings on what is not food?  Why pay for that which fails to satisfy?  Here, without money, here, without price, all may enjoy the bread of heaven.  God speaks and all who listen will have life.

Prayer of Confession:

One:  Glorious God, your thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are your ways our ways.  You look at the ugliest soul and see, still unstirred, the wings of an angel.

Many:  We scan the finest of our neighbors, anxious to find flaws.

One:  You see our lives in the context of eternity, and make a time for waiting, for yearning, for putting all things in proportion.

Many:  We demand instant results; and look for tomorrow before savoring today.

One:  You know that only one who suffers can ultimately save, so you choose to walk the way of the cross.

Many:  We feel judged and threatened by that love which risks all for all.

One:  Your thoughts are not our thoughts,

Many:  nor are your ways our ways.

One:  Not to have our worst confirmed, but to have our best liberated, we pray for your grace and your pardon.

Many:  Forgive in us what has gone wrong, repair in us what is wasted, reveal in us what is good.

One:  And nourish us with better food than we could ever purchase:  your Word, your love, your interest, your daily bread for our life's journey, in the company of Jesus Christ our Lord.

All:  Amen

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