Saturday, March 8, 2014

Renew Our Mind?

Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:2

What does this mean?  Christ came into this world to show us how to live.  He came to serve, not to be served.  Do we live as He has shown us?  It is so easy to get bogged down with the every day pressures of life and focus inward, unaware of the needs around us.  We get wrapped up in our own world and ignore our neighbors who may be hurting.  Our selfish minds are focused on ourselves, not on what God has asked.

Some people give up something for Lent.  The idea of this is to think of what Christ gave up for you.  One year I decided to give up something also.  I thought about something I really liked, chocolate, and decided that I would not eat any during Lent.  Besides, I reasoned, I might even lose weight!  By the end of Lent I had managed to not eat chocolate; however by trying to satisfy my craving for chocolate with other foods, I actually gained weight!  I then realized my motive was more on what I would get out of giving up chocolate than on doing what Christ wanted us to do.  I believe I would have been closer to what God wanted me to do if I would have taken my mind off myself and focused more on serving others.

As you think about Easter, I challenge you (and myself) to look at those around you.  Become aware of problems others face and each day find ways to help.  Can you think of someone who is having a difficult time and needs a friend to care?  What can you do to help?  With God's help we can stop thinking of just ourselves, see opportunities to serve others, and God will help us renew our minds!

S. Cardwell (reprinted with permission from 2005 St. Mark Presbyterian Lenten Devotional)

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