Last month on October 16, the Nation took part in the 2014 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. This drill had 25,766,915 participants of which 234,660 of these participants where from 124 Faith Based Organization. Four of the 124 where from Missouri. The ShakeOut was an opportunity to practice how to protect ourselves during earthquakes. Federal, state, and local emergency management experts and other official preparedness organizations all agree that "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" is the appropriate action to reduce injury and death during earthquakes. The following are general guidelines for most situations. Depending on where you are (in bed, driving, in a theater, etc.), you might take other actions.
- DROP to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),
- Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and
- HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops.
The main point is to not try to move but to immediately protect yourself as best as possible where you are. Earthquakes occur without any warning and may be so violent that you cannot run or crawl; you therefore will most likely be knocked to the ground where you happen to be. You will never know if the initial jolt will turn out to be start of the big one. You should Drop, Cover, and Hold On immediately!
Look around you now, before an earthquake. Identify safe places such as under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall in your home, office or school so that when the shaking starts you can respond quickly. An immediate response to move to the safe place can save lives. And that safe place should be within a few steps to avoid injury from flying debris. To learn more please contact St Mark Emergency Preparedness Shelter Director Bob Lienemeann or the church office 636-394-2233.
For more information www.shakeout.org/centralus/
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