CALL TO WORSHIP (adapted from Psalm 145:3, 8, 10)
Leader: Great is the Lord and worthy of praise;
People: God's greatness no one can fathom.
Leader: The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
People: Slow to anger and rich in love.
Leader: Let all God's creation praise the Lord.
Lord, You have made available to us all that we need to engage our world without fear. Your Spirit is ready twenty four seven to guide us and to help us see Your presence in the events of our lives. The Spirit longs to guide us along the path that would be best for us, but we often chose to find our own way, even during the darkest of times. Forgive us for shutting You out and hanging on to the "I can do it myself attitude" and thank You for not giving up on us when we do. This we pray in Jesus name, AMEN.
To hear the sermon from Oct. 26, Click here.
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