This year the “official” Pentecost Sunday slides
into June. Pentecost is always the “end” of
“Easter” season…50 days following Easter.
Pentecost is known as the birth of the church.
Pentecost Worship on June 3 is at 5PM and on June 4 at 9:30 AM.
Presbyterians honor that event with a Special
Offering, which serves young people in God’s
kingdom. The offering was established in 1998
and over the years since, Presbyterians have
donated over eleven million dollars.
Forty percent of the funds remain with the local
congregation: St. Mark supports the Presbyterian
Children’s Home and Services and UKirk
Presbyterian Campus Ministry. Twenty-five
percent goes to Young Adult Volunteers, being
used for development of future church leaders,
assistance with individual student’s funding, and
retreats and speakers. Another 25% is used to
support ministries to youth ages 12-18. The
remaining 10% is used for Child Advocacy, efforts
to improve the lives of children everywhere.
Be a part of these initiatives. Give generously.
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