PRAYER IN PREPARATION: Loving and Beloved God, in the resurrection of Christ you have overcome the powers of this world and shown your saving love for all people. As Christ has loved us, may we remain in his love, growing in love for one another; through Christ your Incarnate Love, to whom with you and the Spirit, one holy God, be honor and praise, now and forever. Amen
Blessed be the name of God.
Life bursts forth in the beauty of creation; life erupts from the darkness of despair.
Hope abounds in the promises given; joy springs forth and sadness ends.
Strength is found to face every tomorrow; God’s wholeness brings healing to all.
The world and all that is in it glows with the glory of God.
Merciful God, you call us to love our neighbor and to seek justice. But in this busy and complicated world we are pulled in so many directions that it is easy to lose sight of your way. Forgive us when we neglect the needs of others. Empower us to live out your way of justice and new life.
SCRIPTURE Exodus 3:1-15, p. 50
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