Sunday, May 14, 2017

Worship Prayers for May 14

PRAYER IN PREPARATION:  Living God, we come this day with praise and thanksgiving.  May this time of worship empower us to embody your good news.  May we always abide in you, and you in us.  May we respond to the power of your word, and the promises of your love.  May we be so filled with your Spirit that we can't help but proclaim your goodness.  Amen.

We come to this place where God pours out love on us.
         We join our voices in praise, as we come to worship God.
We gather with these people, those who seek to follow Jesus.
         We gather so we might walk the paths of discipleship.
We open our hearts to gifts of the Spirit.
         We will tell of God's love to all who will listen.

Gracious God, your love is poured out on all peoples.  We have been slow to receive it for ourselves.  We complicate your love with rules, worries, and doubts.  We have been slow to live out your love - our actions have not matched our words; our hearts have not matched your message.  Help us to hear your call and feel your transformative power.  May your Spirit fill us with courage to proclaim the good news of your love.  Strengthen our resolve and guide our actions, that we may truly bear good fruit.

   SCRIPTURES                                                                      Luke 24:36-48, p. 91 and Acts 3:12-19, p. 121

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