“This is the day the Lord acted; we will rejoice and celebrate in it!” Psalm 118:24 – Common
English Bible translation
A few months after my husband died I heard Dr. Jill Stratton of Washington University speak about joy and flow. She earned her PhD by studying the growing field of positive psychology. She reported that the field of research on happiness is derived from three components of our lives. Our general disposition or outlook seems to come from inherited DNA (a ‘set point’) and that accounts for 50% of our degree of happiness. The present circumstances in which we find ourselves – either favorable or unfavorable – is another 10%. The remaining portion – 40% - comes from our own intentional acts (From Sonja Lyubomirsky in her book The How of Happiness)
Following Dr. Stratton’s modeling, I began a practice of writing on Facebook a weekly TILT – Things I Love Thursday. Some may call this a gratitude list. It often is but is really bigger than that. Every Thursday morning for over three years now, I sit quietly and think about what makes me smile, feel good, soothes me, makes me excited, tastes good, or what I find interesting. I think about my five senses, my past week, my upcoming plans, the beauty around me and the goodness that I experience in my life. I do not deny nor ignore pain or problems. They are still there and need to be named and acknowledged. But in this TILT practice, I stay still and mindful, reflecting on this moment that God has given to me. I am able to hold joy and pain in the same hand. I am blessed by the acts of God, and it is well with my soul.
I wrote the following on December 6, 2012:
Today I am beginning a new practice of gratitude - "TILT: Things I ♥ Thursday". Here goes! A peaceful beautiful backyard, hands that can sew and knit, belonging to the same congregation over 25 years, being a "squeeze machine" with my grandchildren, memories of a partnership with a man for almost 4 decades, eating rum cake for breakfast while drinking strong coffee, friends and family who will walk and run with me.
Lent is a time to remember we are made of dust as was so clearly said at our Ash Wednesday service a few weeks ago. It is also a time of prayer and reflection. Thursdays are my best reflection days. Circumstances do not need to not perfect. I can still find joy, celebration, and peace. I am acting with gratitude each day.
I Thessalonians 5:16-21
Victoria Sherman
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