Sunday, February 21, 2016

Worship Prayers from February 14

PRAYER IN PREPARTION:  Loving God, as we begin our Lenten journey, toward the wild and dark places, and toward the hope of resurrection, we gather in your house to dwell in the shelter of your love.  We gather in grateful worship seeking to know your ways, and to be led in your truth.  Reveal yourself to us this day – in spirited song, in joyous children, in grieving friends, in challenging scripture, in meaningful prayers, in repentances and forgiveness, in love and grace.  Amen.
Come, let us share the Lenten journey; let us open our hearts to God’s presence.
         To you, O God, we lift up our souls; in you, O Lord, we place our trust.
Make us to know your ways, O God; teach us to live according to your truth.
         Guide us on the paths of righteousness; lead us in the ways of justice and love.
For you are the God of our salvation; you are our heart’s true home.
         Come, let us share the Lenten journey; let us open our hearts to God’s presence.

O Holy God, it is difficult for us to face our sin.  You call us to journey into the shadows of our souls, to wrestle with the evil without and within.  You call us to struggle with who you would have us be and what you would have us do.  But the path is hard and we are weary. We want our journeys of faith to be devout, but not too daring; comfortable and not too threatening.  Forgive us, O Lord.  Give us courage to face our fears and faith to place our trust in your guiding mercy.  Bathe our weary souls in the cooling waters of baptism.  Wipe the dust of the wilderness out of our eyes so we can see your kingdom.  Teach us the ways that offer each of us new life.

For Pastor Jim's sermon, click here.

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