appreciate the many hours of service all of these individuals have contributed in making St. Mark the church it is today.
Two families have had a unique relationship to the St. Mark Congregation---Leonard and Jane Wu and Bao and Cuc Ly (next week we will feature the Ly Family)
To prepare Leonard for his ministry in Taiwan, the Wu family lived in St. Louis while he attended Covenant Seminary and Webster College. From 1973-1976, Leonard and his wife, Jane, served as custodians at St. Mark. The St. Mark congregation provided an extended family for the Wu family. They made many friends and received many gifts during their stay in St. Louis. Their two daughters, Grace and Irene, were born here.
St. Mark continued to support the Wu family in their missionary and pastoral work, when they returned to Taiwan. Leonard became Dean of Student Affairs at Christ College in Taipei, Taiwan."
From " A Celebration of St. Mark Presbyterian Church 30 Years"
Update: Leonard Wu later became a dealer in Chinese Antiquities living in Taiwan. His wife Jane brought Irene and Grace back to the United States where they went to Parkway Central High School. Jane continues to spend 6 months here and 6 months in Taiwan. Grace attended Kansas University where she majored in Graphic Arts. She is currently living in Chesterfield, MO. Irene attended Washington University where she majored in Fashion Design. She is currently living in New York City.
If anyone has any special memories of the Wu and Ly Families, please contact Jaclyn Morgan
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