Sunday, February 12, 2017

Worship Prayers Feb. 5

PRAYER IN PREPARTION:  Son of God, you walk on the waters of turmoil to meet us in the midst of your purposed journey for our lives.  Help us to recognize your presence, remember your promise, rely on your power, and receive your peace through every storm.  Amen


This is God’s world!  To us is given a vision of nations and races,
lands and people, joined together in love.
         Praise be to God, the Creator, in whose image we are created.
We come to celebrate and renew that vision, opening ourselves to the one
who is its source and its living fire.
         We affirm in Christ that we can be, and are, one world and one family,
         working together to manifest God’s rule in the lives of all people!

Lord Jesus, we call upon you.  Save us!  We are intimidated by our circumstances, distracted from our purposes, drowning in doubts and fears.  We are presumptuous about your will, belittling others and magnifying ourselves.  We envy the blessings of others, secretly despising their dreams.  We have hardened our hearts to the suffering of our brothers and sisters, feeding ourselves in front of the injustice that holds them captive.
Lord Jesus, who searches our hearts, lift us from sin and help us to walk with you in faith, humility, and sisterly love.  Amen

SCRIPTURE READING                                                                                                                     Psalm 46

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