Sunday, February 5, 2017

Worship Prayers from January 29

PRAYER IN PREPARTION:  O God, Jesus announced the nearness of your kingdom and called disciples to be fishers of women and men.  Illumine our minds, by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as Scripture is read and your Word proclaimed our eyes may see your kingdom, and our ears may hear the call of Jesus, so that our lives may bear witness to the good news of your kingdom come near.  Amen.

As he walked by a lake, Jesus called folks to follow him.
         And immediately, they left their work and went with him.
As Jesus journeys through our lives, he asks us to follow him.
         In this moment, we have the chance to leave the past behind,
         and pursue him into God’s future.
As Jesus wanders in our world, he invites others to join him.
         We would join Jesus in this ministry without delay!

Holy God, you are our light and our salvation.  You invite us to live in the strength of your presence.  In Christ, you call us to lives of bold purpose, daring to love, and deep abiding joy.  Yet we turn from your grace.  We hide in the shadows of our fear.  We run from your Spirit.  Forgive us, O God.  Rescue us from our fear.  Call us again, that we may hear your voice and follow where you lead.  Bless us that we may serve you faithfully with boldness and delight.

SCRIPTURE READING                                                                                                   Matthew 4:12-23, p. 3

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