After eight months, Bao and Cuc assumed the custodial duties at St. Mark; and a little later, Bao had work as a tailor, In the fall of 1980, the children were enrolled in Westridge, Selvidge and Claymont Nursery School; the family had a car and an apartment.
The people of St. Mark gave generously of household goods, time, caring and concern, but, the Ly family has also given generously. First Bao and then Minh worked with Cuc to keep our church clean for seven years. Their industry, determination, and courage have been an inspiration to all of us. As Bob and Mimi wrote in a tribute to them: "To all they have touched, they have left such joy. For coming to St. Mark, Ly famly, we thank you."
From the 1992 History of St. Mark "A Celebration of St. Mark Presbyterian 30 Years"
Update: The Ly family moved to South County where Bao opened a tailor shop. Hanh, Duc and Bao still live in South St. Louis County. Sadly, Minh and Cuc have passed away. Hanh has 4 children and Duc has one son.
Update: The Ly family moved to South County where Bao opened a tailor shop. Hanh, Duc and Bao still live in South St. Louis County. Sadly, Minh and Cuc have passed away. Hanh has 4 children and Duc has one son.
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