Come together, people of faith!
We come together to worship our Lord.
Come together, people of faith!
We come with our songs and stories. We bring our doubts and our dreams.
We carry in our stumbles and struggles, our successes and strengths.
Let our gathering be filled with the Spirit!
A Spirit that comforts and consoles,
A Spirit that challenges and changes us,
A Spirit that does not quit on us.
Come together, people of faith!
We are here, O God, to be with you!
God, you placed us in the world to be its salt. We are afraid of committing ourselves, afraid of being stained by the world. We do not want to hear what “they” might have to say, and our salt dissolves as if in water. Forgive us, Jesus.
God, you placed us in the world to be its light. We are afraid of the shadows, afraid of poverty. We do not want to know other people’s struggles, and our light slowly fades away. Forgive us, Jesus.
God, you placed us in the world to live in community. Thus, you taught us to love, to share in life, to struggle for bread and justice, your truth incarnate in our lives. Amen.
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