What if I were very, very sad and all I did was smile?
I wonder after a while what might become of my sadness?
I wonder after a while what might become of my sadness?
What if I were very, very angry, and all I did was sit
And never think about it? What might become of my anger?
And never think about it? What might become of my anger?
Where would they go, and what would they do if I couldn't let them out?
Maybe I'd fall, maybe get sick or doubt.
Maybe I'd fall, maybe get sick or doubt.
But what if I could know the truth and say just how I feel?
I think I'd learn a lot that's real about freedom.
I think I'd learn a lot that's real about freedom.
Love the Lord your God,
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength,
and with all your mind!
Love your neighbor as yourself,
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength,
and with all your mind!
Do this and you will live!
Let us worship our God together!
Holy God, we are your sons and daughters, yet our behavior does not honor you, and our actions belittle the love you have for us. You call us to live in community, but we do not defend the weak, and we ignore our neighbors. We do not uphold the poor or the oppressed. We do not commit to efforts to rescue the weak and help needy travelers on our road.
Rise up to judge us, O God. We prefer your merciful justice, than living with guilt and fear. Straighten our path, so that we can be guided as a mother or a father guides beloved children. (Silent Confession)
†AFFIRMATION OF FAITH – Westminster Confession of Faith Shorter Catechism Question One
What is our chief end?
Our chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy God forever.
For the sermon "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"/ "Love Is a Noun", click here.
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