Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hills to Climb

Matthew 18: 1-5

Verse 3: "Unless you become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."

Since all six of our grandchildren live in Houston, Texas, each visit from them is always very, very special.  However, one particular visit from two of our granddaughters brings back especially amusing memories.

Both little girls were quite young at the time.  We were taking a walk in our subdivision on one of their first evenings with us, and as we approached one of the hills on Claymont Drive, Dick and I planned to turn around and go another way (having much less energy than they).

"No, no, grandma and grandpa, " they said (full of joy and excitement).  "We have to see what's up there!  We have to see what's on the other side!"

So, we did as they wished, realizing that Houston is very flat and "hills" were new and different for them.  We have often thought how wonderful it would be to have that enthusiasm for something as common and ordinary to us as a "hill".

Dear Lord:
We all have hills to climb .....some easy and some very difficult.  Help us face the unknown with joy and anticipation of a little child......knowing that you will always guide us.  All we have to do is ask.  Amen.

Printed from St. Mark Presbyterian's 2002 Devotional with permission of W.S.

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