Thursday, March 5, 2015

Prayer, Meditation and Listening

World Day of Prayer, March 6, 2015

Why do we pray?  To give thanks? To express concerns? To ask for support? To affirm our faith? To ask for guidance? To celebrate? To express joy? To confess our failings?

"Can you comment on how praying makes you feel?" This question was asked of several Stephen Ministers (2002).  Here is what they wrote:

  • Prayer takes the burdens of the day off my shoulder.  Praying is my method of turning over to God those items that I routinely take responsibility for or try to control.   Through prayer, I recognize that God, not me, is in control.  The net result is a feeling of calm and peace.  That serenity enables me to go forward with my day.

  • One thing it does is to help me get rid of worries when I turn them over to God in prayer.  It also gives me a feeling of being constructive when I pray for someone else that I can't help in any other way.  It gives me a sense of peace, too.  Prayer is powerful.

  • Prayer helps me to feel more CONNECTED to God the Father, to the Spirit within me, and to those I pray for.  It also helps me focus, prioritize, be calmer.

  • Thanks for your question.  It gave me a chance to reflect what effect prayer has on me.  Praying for me gives a more intense feeling of being connected with God.  The bond is stronger because we are communicating.  If I go to Him because I'm hurt, I feel calmer and the pain is not as intense.  If I have a joy to share, my joyous feeling is intensified.  Since I've increased my prayer life, life's rougher roads are easier to handle and the happy times are more joyful.

  • How nice to be asked for an opinion!  Prayer usually has a calming effect for me.  It's also my way of acknowledging that there are many things that are out of my control, and my way of "turning them over".  Do I always do this and say to God, "Thy will be done"-- no,  I'm afraid I often try to direct the answer.  Perhaps when I'm 110 I'll do better.

  • Prayer is my direct line to God and I know he listens to my joys, and concerns; and many times I can acknowledge that many things are out of my control and turn them over to Him.  I am comforted and at peace.
The Lord's Prayer:  Our Father who art in Heaven.  Hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Written by St. Mark Stephen Ministers for World Day of Prayer.  Reprinted from St. Mark Presbyterian's 2002 Lenten Devotional.

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