Saturday, December 16, 2017

Worship Prayers for Dec. 10

CENTERING PRAYER - Lord, how I love this season of new beginnings, the opportunity to turn toward you and start again. Empower me to be a messenger of good news, and a leveling influence along the way, as I seek to be one with you in smoothing out the rough places I encounter. Amen.


Reader 1     O God, we light the second candle of Advent.  Seeking your comfort. Both mighty and tender, you come.  Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you.

Reader 2     Isaiah announced God's coming to a people exiled in a broken and parched wilderness.  He declared God's redemption would make a highway in the desert and change the rough places into plain.  God would come as a shepherd—feeding, leading, and cradling the weary flock.  This Advent, we seek such a God.  Let us pray together.

All                Saving God, look upon your world and heal your land and your people.  Prepare us to be changed.  This Advent, teach us to be tender and just, as you are.  Amen.                                                                                     

Faithful God, we confess we have not led lives of holiness.  We suffer from impatience, apathy, and greed; we have not been at peace.  We repent of these offenses and turn to you in love.  Forgive our iniquity and pardon our sins, that we may walk in righteousness to the glory of your name.  We continue to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. (Silent Confession)

† AFFIRMATION OF FAITH – “A Brief Statement of Faith” 10.1
   In life and in death we belong to God.  Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve.

   PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER                                     
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.  Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.  Amen.  [Prayer requests may be given to one of the pastors before the service.]

SCRIPTURE      Mark 1:1-8

Sermon "Front Page News"  

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