Monday, March 26, 2018

Marion Medical Missions: Children

Kimberly Richey of Marion Medical Missions shares some memories of her visits to Africa. Remember we will be having a special collection of money you have set aside from your Lenten sacrifices for this mission.
 I got to hold beautiful newborn twins, only a week old.  The entire village proudly showed us the babies. One of the grandmothers said, "Thank you - now we don't have to wonder which of our babies will grow up." It's impossible to imagine a world where parents don't expect to raise their children to adulthood -- your donations are helping to change the future!

I saw a young girl drinking  water so cloudy that you could barely see the gravel at the bottom of the container. Her brother had somehow gotten a koolaid packet, so seconds after my photo was taken, he walked past with bright red, but still filthy water in his bottle! It might have made the taste more tolerable, but it was still disgusting...but no more!   Now, he and his sister have plenty of cool, clean water to keep them healthy. 

Read the Gospels in 40 Days: Mark 5-6

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