Thursday, September 7, 2023



Here we are at the end of the three-month journey. June, July, and August. The summer of Pastor Dave’s sabbatical. A time to reflect on the past five years. A summer to assess the now. A summer to seek God’s call on our ministry as it might look in the future here at St. Mark.

 Early in the year, as Pastor Dave prepared us for the summer ahead and invited us to stretch out of the comfortable and think about, explore, and begin to articulate, even write down our thoughts regarding what we believe. This summer would be something different. This summer would be a summer of change.

 On June 4th our General Presbyter Rev. Ryan Landino visited us and preached us into the summer. He invited us to embrace change and to live into what God might do if we open our hearts and minds to the movement of the Holy Spirit. 

Yes. Sometimes change is difficult. Sometimes change is easy. Sometimes we don’t even notice that something has changed. Change can bring about grumbling or complaining and pain and suffering. But change can also bring about wonder and joy and growth and discovery. In any case, change means that we can experience something differently and be changed in some way. 

May this summer have been a time when you were prompted by the Holy Spirit to embrace change, to step into the unknown with wonder, and to seek to discover what God has in store next for you and for all of us! 

Peace and blessings, Pastor MP 

Change by Kathleen Raine 

Change Said the sun to the moon, You cannot stay. 

Change Says the moon to the waters, All is flowing. 

Change Says the fields to the grass, Seed-time and harvest, Chaff and grain. 

You must change said, Said the worm to the bud, Though not to a rose, Petals fade That wings may rise Borne on the wind. 

You are changing said death to the maiden, your wan face To memory, to beauty. 

Are you ready to change? Says the thought to the heart, to let her pass All your life long 

For the unknown, the unborn In the alchemy Of the world's dream? 

You will change, says the stars to the sun, Says the night to the stars.

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