Monday, September 25, 2023

Deacons in Action


Your worship support committees have been busy this summer. Glenn Knopf, head of our Usher Teams, reviewed old procedures and met with Pastor MP and the Safety Team. The result is a new list of instructions/procedures the usher teams follow before, during, and after services. 

As we have moved into a post Co-vid Communion setting, Judy Richardson, Chairperson of the Communion Committee, and Valerie Steiner worked with Pastor MP and Clerk of Session, Cay Noble, to review and update Communion procedures. In an effort of inclusivity, all Communion elements are now gluten free. A big thank you to Valerie Steiner who sourced and purchased gluten free elements. 

Moving into fall and winter, we have sign ups for Sunday service liturgists. As a liturgist, the Pastors provide you with the written components of the worship service for you to read. This will be emailed several days in advance of the service for you to review. If you are interested in signing up or have any questions, please contact Pastor MP.

Photo by David Weber on Unsplash

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