CENTERING PRAYER Almighty God, in the self-giving love of Christ you have revealed the path of salvation; give us courage to deny our selfish desire and bear the cross of discipleship, that we may live as those who have no fear of death and receive the joy of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
CALL TO WORSHIP Sing a song of thanksgiving. Declare God’s wondrous deeds. For the Lord dwells among the people; the glory of God abides with us.
PRAYER OF CONFESSION Holy God, we confess that our love for you and for others has not been genuine. We have not held fast to what is good, and we have lagged in affection for our brothers and sisters. We have not been patient in suffering, nor have we persevered in prayer. We have repaid evil for evil and have failed to live peaceably with all. Forgive us our sin, free us from fear of the power of evil, and help us trust in the power of your everlasting goodness; through Jesus Christ. (Silent Confession)
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