Monday, September 4, 2023


“A Season of Peace” begins September 2/3 and completes October 1, World Communion Sunday. The Peace and Global Witness Offering (previously the Peacemaking Offering) will be collected during that time. The words of Isaiah 55 convey a profound message to us during A Season of Peace: 

For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace.

 Go out in joy. Be led forth in peace. We are in desperate need of joyful and brave people who are willing to ask the hard questions and live the difficult solutions that make peace possible. Through the Peace & Global Witness Offering, we connect with each other, as the Church, together, to confront systems of injustice and promote reconciliation in places around the world and right here at home. As Rev. Brenda Booth reminded us in her sermon on August 20, each of us is part of an answer to the world’s problems. We each play a role. 

Our participation in the Peace and Global Witness Offering provides funds for those programs. St. Mark retains 25% of the total for local use, which has historically gone to the Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services and St. Martin Peace Meal. Use the special envelope in your September packet or simply mark your check for the Peace and Global Witness Offering. Thank you for your generosity.

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