Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Joy Offering

Our gifts support dedicated pastors, church workers, and retirees who find themselves facing urgent financial needs. This can range from supplements to maintain independent living to emergency funds to meet unexpected expenses.

Additionally, 50% of the offering goes to support Presbyterian-affiliated racial ethnic schools and colleges, enabling students to develop their gifts and find their callings.  Scholarships are provided to deserving students as well as funds for basic operating costs.  These schools are open to any qualified student regardless of race.  Students are educated for the professions of their choice in an environment which supports and nurtures racial and ethnic heritage.

One of those schools is the Pan American School founded in 1911 serving primarily Hispanic/Latino students who live south of the U. S. border. It prepares young people to be leaders in their native countries and in a a society that is increasingly becoming multicultural and multilingual.  More than 85% of the students continue their education beyond high school.

The Joy Offering was initiated in the 1930’s and is just as essential today. In 2013 over 1324 grants were awarded to retired clergy, missionaries, and other church workers and their families for a total of $5.6 million. Six schools and colleges were provided fund- ing. The need is no less in 2014. Please give generously.

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