Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Giving Tree #TBT

Matthew 6: 25-34

Shel Silverstein's book The Giving Tree tells of a tree in the forest that loves a boy who climbs and plays in her branches.  At each stage of the boy's life, the tree joyfully gives him something he needs:  apples to sell, branches to build a house, and finally her trunk for a boat to travel in.  When the boy returns as a broken old man, the tree is sad because she is just a stump and has nothing left to give him. Then, she realizes she can give him a place to sit down and rest.  She is happy again because she can give him comfort and peace.

During this season of giving, let us remember that the joy is not in how much we give but in giving a part of ourselves.  Sometimes our best gift is simply the gift of comfort and peace to those we love.


Dear Lord, help me to slow down during this hectic season.  I get so caught up in buying, wrapping, decorating and baking that I lose sight of what Christmas is about.  Christmas is the time to celebrate the peace and comfort that you gave us through the birth of our Lord Jesus. Help us also to remember that comfort and peace can sometimes be our best gift to our families.

Reprinted with permission by J. M. from Thoughts on Advent, December 1984 published by St. Mark Presbyterian Church.

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