Thursday, November 5, 2015

Faith for the Journey: A Word about Stewardship

Recently, I was speaking with a friend who works in nonprofit fundraising and development. She was telling me about a fundraising conference she had just attended.

My friend came away with some remarkable statistics: In 2010, contributions to nonprofit organizations totaled a little over $290 billion. Most people think that the majority of charitable contributions come from corporations and foundations. However, the truth of the matter is that over 75% of charitable contributions come from individuals. Of the $290 billion, about 35% is given to religious nonprofits, such as churches.

The topic of my friend’s conference was “You Are What You Value.” The aim of the conference was to remind fundraisers that people give to charities and organizations that share their values. One of the speakers challenged my friend and her colleagues to take a look at their bank and credit card statements. “How you spend your money will tell you what you value,” the speaker said.

Now, I’m not sure what my friend found when reviewing her statements, but it did get me thinking about our 2016 stewardship campaign, which will culminate in the 10:30 am worship service on November 15. Like most nonprofits, most of our contributions come from individuals. Pledged contributions account for about 85% of our church’s budget. And like most nonprofits, people give because of shared values and beliefs.

But giving through the church is about more than money. It is about lives being transformed, about creating a place of belonging, about helping others and making our community better, about helping to raise our children and youth. As St. Mark embarks on a new journey together, we have chosen “Faith for the Journey” as our Stewardship 2016 theme. It recalls how God’s faithfulness has provided for us in the past, is present today, and will lead us into a bright future.

As our church moves ahead along an unfamiliar course, we are looking for signs to help us identify the future direction of this congregation. We will also be determining the financial and personal resources needed to continue on the path that God is calling us to follow. This time of new beginnings is the perfect time to increase our finan-cial and personal commitments to St. Mark.

With renewed energy and increased resources, we will be ready to follow wherever God leads us in our faith journey. We will be able to continue creating transcendent moments in worship, opportunities for families to learn and share together, and transforming lives through mission and congregational care. This is what sets church apart from all other nonprofits and charities that solicit your support: we are about God’s grace in everyday lives.

This is the only place where someone prays for you week after week.

I’m sure that your mailbox is stuffed with many letters appealing for financial support. In the days leading up to our Stewardship Dedication Sunday on November 15, I hope that you will think about the ways in which your spending indicates what you value and believe. I pray that you will consider the hope, joy, and love St. Mark has provided for so many of us. I ask you to join me in supporting this church as we journey in faith together and embrace the bright future that God intends for us.

Rev. Jim Poinsett

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