Sunday, November 29, 2015


Prayer of Preparation: O God, during this season of Advent, we wait upon you to lead us from death to life, from despair to hope. Lead us from hate to love, from unrest to peace. Let your promise of peace fill our hearts and world. Open our eyes to see beyond what is in front of us, to see you entering our world in a new way. May we live into your expectation that our lives will demonstrate your teachings, from the prophets to the present. Amen.

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Voice 1: Advent means “coming” or “arrival” – this is a time of hopeful expectation and preparation marked by waiting.

Voice 2: In Advent, we wait upon the Lord: awaiting signs of hope, peace, joy, and love. It is a time to remember the wonders of our faith as we await the new thing God is about to do.

Voice 1: God promises us a savior who acts with justice and righteousness. God promises us, wherever we are in our lives, whatever situations we are dealing with, whatever problems we face, God’s light will come to us.

Voice 2: God is about to do a new thing. God is entering our world in a new way. God is entering our lives in a new way. God will be with us in a new way. We light this first candle with the hopeful expectation that God is doing something new. Open your eyes to see the signs of God’s light in your life now.

Call to Worship

The days are surely coming when God’s promises shall be fulfilled.
When our love for one another and for all God’s children will increase.
The days are surely coming when God’s promises shall come true.
When God will strengthen our hearts, and heal the world.
The days are surely coming when God’s promises are realize in us.
When we will walk the paths of discipleship.

Prayer of Confession

Almighty God, You warn us to read the signs for the coming of you glorious light – in the sun, the moon, the stars, the roaring seas and the waves, the distress among the nations. We have seen it all before. Nothing seems to change. Forgive us, O God. Forgive our doubts and hopelessness, our sense that nothing ever really changes.

Help us to live with courage in this age of ambiguity. Teach us your ways when we have lost ours. Teach us to wait with patience, that we may be ready as our redeemer draws near. Amen.

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